![]() Anyone who calls North Koreas rocket launch a "failure" or "embarrassment" should just get out of the news business now, because they are obviously unfit to analyze anything more intellectually intensive than a bikini contest. Why are we being told this NK rocket launch is a failure? Because it crashed into the sea? Okay fine, so tell me what failed exactly. Were we hoping to have a chance to shoot it out of the sky ourselves? Hoping it dropped bioweapons over Tokyo? Two Facts About North Korea to Remember
Point is, Kim Jung Un is not looked at the same way as his father was by the top military brass in the country. He's seen as too soft, likes the people too much, too much Western influence. The rumors of his assassination and subsequent military coup a while back shows the perceived weakness of his regime.
![]() Besides Kim Jung un getting his cherry popped on the UN's sanction list...do you really believe that the only thing you test on a rocket launch is how far it goes?? The logistics involved is beyond anything you or I could fathom. So what happens when this rocket actually succeeds? NK might (doubtful) suffer real consequences in the global community, or at least make some new enemies. So, the rocket was never meant to succeed. It was just get our attention, and let Kim the younger show off his new balls. Oh and tell Obama to screw. 'Food? We don't need no stinking food! We got rockets!" North Korea has traditionally gotten off on slapping Americas hand away. The rocket wasn't meant to fly. And the media is played again. Why don't I work for the Pentagon?? Dictated But Not Read By - Kevin Willette |