Kevin Aherne The first episode of the new Star Wars trilogy dropped last week, and already the franchise has invaded our lives once more. From collectibles, to crossovers, to fan fiction, the force is strong with this new film. But what if (god forbid), Disney, the new franchise owners, decided to reboot the entire saga? Who would be the new Luke? How about Han Solo? Well, I have a few ideas on how to cast this re-make that I hope is never made! Luke Skywalker - Josh HutchersonHe is either a nerd with a bad-boy side, or a bad-boy with a nerdy side, either way, Josh Hutcherson has proved to the world -- through his Hunger Games role -- that he can play a vital role in a blockbuster film without stealing the show... that's something that Mark Hamil accomplished in his portrayal of Sywalker in the original trilogy. The force is strong with this one. Han Solo - Chris PrattDoes this one even require an explanation? Princess Leia Organa- Emma StoneThat Emma is so hot right now. She is everywhere in 2015, and to play the love interest to an older man is nothing new to Stone. Darth Vader - Dennis HaysbertYeah, the All State guy... he also President David Palmer in 24 and Pedro Cerrano in Major League. But that voice! He is a dead ringer to replace James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader. Darth Vader (Body) - Kevin Smith (Silent Bob)What does it matter? Vader is rarely seen outside of his mask and robe, and all speaking parts are voiced by another actor, so may as well cast a guy known for being quiet. Oh, and he already knows Mark Hamil. Emporer Palpatine - John HurtWhat you need to know about Hurt's qualifications to play the galactic tyrant can be learned by watching him play the High Chancellor in the dystopic film, V for Vendetta. Obi-Wan Kenobi - Chuck NorrisBeard game on point: CHECK All-around bad-ass: CHECK Chuck Norris would make for the perfect Obi-Wan. 'Nuff Said. |