Will Grapentine The statehouse got an early wake-up call Sunday afternoon as gun-rights and enthusiasts gathered for the Gun Rights Across America's 'Stand Your Ground' Rally. The event - part of a national movement occurring at capitals across all fifty states - was spearheaded by keynote speaker and General Assembly candidate Ed Doyle. Taking place on a cold Sunday (complete with thirty-degree wind gusts), a crowd of over three hundreds amassed on the front steps of the state house to air their grievances in regards to their Second Amendment rights and to call out the elected leaders whose goal it is to impede them.
Did you know that many states will arrest protesters for not having a permit to protest" he posed. "Are you kidding me ?" Other speakers, such as RI GUN BLOG's Tim Jones, spoke on how the root cause of gun violence is not the gun itself. "Most crimes are committed by those is lower income brackets" Jones said. "If that's the issue maybe our elected officials should focus on the real cause of violence --- poverty." From the wide swath of supporters in the audience to the diverse group of speakers at the podium, the message was regardless of what adversity political foes push on gun rights, they will always be met with loyal opposition. "The fight for guns is like simple physics: As government expands, liberty contracts" said Sarah De La Certa, a college student and president of BLEU Enterprises, a political consulting firm. "As President Reagan said, 'freedom is just one generation away from extinction" - an improbable outcome in the minds of those standing on the state house steps that day. |