Tuesday night, the Board of Elections ordered Rhode Island House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello to repay $72,067.80 -- the amount spent by his PAC illegally during his re-election campaign in 2016. The Board also revealed involvement of Mattiello’s campaign aides with the Shawna Lawton mailer and their refusal to comply with subpoenas.
“Illegal conduct marred Speaker Mattiello’s 2016 re-election campaign," said RI Republican Party Chairman Brandon Bell. "Last night, it was shown that his campaign aides illegally coordinated over the Shawna Lawton endorsement mailer. His PAC illegally spent over $72,000 to help to help him get re-elected by 85 mail ballots. This cannot be explained away as a series of honest errors. Mattiello would not be in office today but for this illegal activity. When an elected official breaks the law in order to get re-elected, he needs to leave office.”
Bell went on to comment about the money involved in Mattiello's campaign.
“Speaker Mattiello’s 2016 reelection campaign made history. He ran the most expensive race for a seat in the General Assembly in Rhode Island history, approximately $344,137 once the illegal campaign spending by the his PAC is included. Mattiello spent just under $100 a vote. Now his campaign must pay what is probably the biggest penalty ever imposed in Rhode Island campaign finance history. Speaker Mattiello should just give up the gavel and become part of Rhode Island history.” Read More WBOB |