Will Grapentine "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." These words were spoken by former Obama hatchet man and Democrat political wizard Ram Emanuel. Very early on this quote was said in an interview, and vit's ethos has been well-documented within the Obama administration from the get go. Presidential politics aside, I think that very quote can also be used to sum up the topic of school shootings, gun violence as a whole, and how certain isolated cases - although horrific - are INDEED NOT the product of some grand root cause or conspiratorial issue to assign blame to. Certainly in the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting (AKA the "Batman Shooting", as it took place on the premiere day of 'The Dark Knight Rises' in July of 2012), and the more recent Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut, their have only been one winner following these tragedies: those who politicized the horrific tragedy as a means to a greater end. The biggest example, are those who want to trample the Second Amendment's right to bare arms (famously upheld in the famed case of 'DC V. HELLER') by utilizing the Tenth Amendment (which is state and local government enacting stricter laws beyond the federal). This has happened recently in towns such as Providence and Exeter, that use a "death by a thousand paper cuts" game plan to make it harder to purchasing guns or limiting access to legal firearm purchasing by average,non-criminal law-abiding citizens.