![]() What is going on with the three recent senseless shootings? The liberals are screaming gun control or could this be a byproduct of society norms of thin skinned, soccer mom, you can’t judge me; I have anger issues, spoiled brats of today's society? What are real reasons why so many of today’s Young Adults cracking like soft hard boiled eggs? Is this a snapshot of a world without morality, positive role models and where the Ten Commandments are laughed at be the ignorant and foolish? Is this a snapshot of world where antidepressants, ADHD stimulants, alcohol, pot and tranquilizers are the answers to happiness instead of humility and grateful of all you have, even in this horrible economy? Is this a snapshot of adults acting like spoiled babies, crying about how "you hurt my feelings" and throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way? How about some tough love and learn to be a RESPONSIBLE person. Let’s take a look at these idiotic shootings, the Aurora Colorado Batman, The Sikh Temple Massacre, and the Family Counsel Center in Washington, D.C.: * James Holmes the Aurora Colorado Theater shooter basically was a loser and loner who couldn’t get laid if his life depended on it. He went to the college psychiatrist with his problem; this doctor had previously been disciplined by the Colorado Medical Board for writing inappropriate prescriptions. She placed him on antidepressants.
* Wade Page of the Sikh Temple shooting, who had been kicked out of the service for alcoholism. His mother, believes he was also taking drugs for depression. The kicker is that this skinhead was on the Army Psychological Operation Unit. * Floyd Corkins II who shot a guard at the Family Research Council with a bag of Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, he had a meltdown because not everybody shared his beliefs on gays and lesbians, why this isn’t considered to be a hate crime is baffling. So if you are out to blame an ban something for these horrific act of violence how about banning psychiatry? How about banning antidepressants? Also, maybe we should ban alcohol and weed because that also contributed to their altered states. How about banning personal opinions because someone might find it offensive? I blame the KILLERS for their actions, they pulled the trigger. How about this idea: grow up and stop pouting like a baby over your misfortune and shortcomings and take responsibility for your actions. May God save America WildSide Professor Clyde |