Mike Stenhouse The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity calls on the Providence Journal to issue a death sentence to its PolitFact RI kangaroo court. Time after time, in defending the status quo, the so-called "Truth-o-meter" has used tortuously twisted logic and intellectually dishonest rationale as evidence to support what are obviously pre-determined and biased rulings. In challenging the corrupt, status quo politics in RI, our Center recently issued the following statement about the burgeoning HPV vaccine mandate debate: In its ruling that our Center's statement was only "Half True", PolitiFact-RI not only continued its pattern of seeking to find fault with accurate and honest statements, but one of Politifact's twisted arguments is that a "requirement" is not a "mandate". In its zeal to condemn our Center, it may not have been clear to the prosecutor-judge-and-jury-all-in-one writers that, PolitiFact's ruling contradicted its own newspaper headlines.
On July 29, the day before the Center released its statement, the Providence Journal ran this headline at the very top of its front page: "Rhode Island to mandate HPV vaccine for 7th graders." The article itself used the word "mandatory" five times. Further, in reaching its farcical ruling, PolitiFact purposely attempted to deceive our Center. In its initial inquiry to the Center, PolitFact asked: Click here for links and to read the rest of the entire post, including the entire email thread |