And the boos rained down upon him.
Moments after the conclusion to unequivocally the greatest Super Bowl game ever played. The New England Patriots were granted true redemption, accepting their fifth Lombardi Trophy from NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, following his brief speech,which was nearly inaudible amid the boos. Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady could be seen smiling as the whole ordeal uncomfortably unfolded in front of them. I won't trouble you with a full rundown of the game, surely you know by now that Tom Brady, James White, and Martellus Bennett grabbed Super Bowl LI by cojones - following a lackluster first half performance - and led the Patriots on a second-half comeback unlike any in Super Bowl history. I also won't bore you with the details of the final eight play, 75-yard drive capped off by a 2-yard Sudden Death touchdown run by James White -- in the first ever Super Bowl overtime game. Simply, Super Bowl LI was perfect. The New England Patriots are champion. Roger Goodell was made to look foolish. |