Ryan L. Fox There are Three Things certain in life: death, taxes, yours truly trying out really spicy food. It is a small guilty pleasure of mine to consume spicy food whether it be wings, sandwiches, or even a donut. So when Burger King came out and announced that they had released a new spicy Ghost Pepper Chicken Nugget, like a moth to a flame, I was attracted to it and I knew I had to try to. In the past, Burger King (and other fast food chains) have had spicy chicken nuggets on the menu. But that could have been just the regular nuggets with a dash of chili powder. Now ghost pepper, that brings a whole new element to the game. Just alone on its own, ghost pepper is unforgiving. It brings a stinging burn on your tongue and you absolutely feel the heat upon consumption. Upon ordering and prior to eating the nuggets, I noticed that there was a good heaping of ghost-pepper mixed spices on the breaded chicken nuggets with what appeared to be a few pepper flakes in it as well. In fact, I could smell the spices coming off the nugget itself. I figured that there was no going back at this point. I grabbed a chicken nugget and popped it into my mouth. On the first nugget, you start to get a little buzz on your mouth from the heat of the ghost pepper spices. On the second nugget, the heat level starts to kick up a notch and the you begin to notice the spiciness of the ghost pepper. It starts to build up to a nice spicy kick whereas when you finally chomp down on the final nugget, your mouth and tongue got a nice tingle going on from the spices. Now I’ve had ghost pepper in the past. I had it in a salsa as well as in a hot sauce. Both times after consumption my eyes were watering, my mouth felt like it was on fire, and my tongue was numb. Yet like the glutton for punishment that I am, I pressed onwards until I downed the salsa and hot sauce. With BK’s Ghost Pepper Chicken Nuggets, I got a good spicy burn going in my mouth that got me going for a bit. But on a seriousness, I enjoyed it completely. My biggest concern about it was solely focused on how much ghost pepper was going to be used on it. Some places might say a menu item has ghost pepper on it but then it’s just a small dash overall. Other times, there could be too much on it and it not only ruins the flavor of the item but just your appetite overall. Believe me, too much spiciness is not fun at all. However, BK has enough ghost pepper on it where it didn’t completely overtake the nugget but at the same time, it gave a nice kick that would wake you up if you were feeling a little sleepy. The Ghost Pepper Chicken Nuggets come in a four or eight piece if you are feeling daring. My only idea on how to improve this is making it come in a twenty piece for those who want a rush. Score 5 out of 5 Bobheads and One ‘SPAHTANS!’ WBOB cheer Read More 990WBOB |