Bob Giusti - [email protected] The state roads have resembled a lunar landscape dotted with potholes after all the snow removal this season. Various cities, towns and DOT's budgets have been strained to the max. It's a wonder if they'll be a budget to even patch and fill (let alone resurface). Where will we find the money to care for our infrastructure? Well Governor Lincoln Chafee appears to have joined the ranks of Michigan governor Rick Snyder in calling for their state legislatures to consider boosting road funding by legalizing marijuana to the extent that it would be treated and taxed as tobacco products are today. Even though Chafee has nothing politically at stake (he is not seeking re election) he is still cautious of a full endorsement and chooses his words carefully to express the revenue as "enticing" but not necessarily attainable. The governor also said he wants to see what the General Assembly does with legislation that would legalize pot, (which has been introduced by Rep. Edith Ajello, D-Providence and Sen. Josh Miller, D-Cranston).