George Goner I had a conversation with my producer here at WBOB recently about whether resorting to government intervention to solve a serious problem is ever a good idea. I said yes, in certain extreme circumstances. He said no. I found myself agreeing with every one of his points, and ended by suggesting we get back to the subject of radio before I lost our debate even more convincingly. But now I realize I left out one powerful argument for my point of view. Here it is, in a nutshell: The government today is a giant elephant running amok in a three ring circus. Not Republican or Democrat, just a plain old, non-partisan, Industrial/Military berserk elephant. It's going to move in one direction or another sooner or later, and when it does, it's going to step on somebody. All we can do is coax the beast into the direction we want it to go. It's all a matter of personal preference, and feeding it what it wants. Usually its preferred diet is green, but every so often, it feeds on blood.