Earlier this week the Toronto city council took an important and rather useless vote. The council decided almost unanimously to ask it's mayor Rob Ford to step down. Rather unimpressed with his less than apologetic admission to smoking crack, the group thought it would be best for the troubled mayor to step down. However the city council does not have the power to remove the mayor from office. Ford himself refuses to step down and remains very matter of fact about the whole situation. Claiming he only smoked crack once, over a year ago in a "drunken stooper", Ford state he does not have a drug problem. In fact he has since day one of this scandal he has been persistent in defending his character. Crediting the media with blowing this story out of proportion. New allegations have now surfaced against the mayor. Claims of both verbal and physical abuse from his staff as well as an alleged incident when Ford demanded oral sex from a staff member. Accompanied by is wife Ford angrily denied all allegations. Although the city council can not remove Ford they did vote this morning to strip his ability to remove or appoint any senior staff members.