How many times have said the United Nations is insane and have a checkered past, well how a U.N. official claims the Boston Marathon Bombing was our fault. Do you believe this the kicker is he is Princeton Professor and American born? His name is Richard Falk and I’m tired of guys like him with their pretentious braggart Attitudes spewing Hatred to the Country I LOVE.
A United Nations Human Rights expert and who is on the Human Rights Palestine monitor blamed the Boston Marathon bombings on “American global domination.” "The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world,” in an article titled “A Commentary on the Marathon Murders." Just when I say ‘Has the World Lost its’ Mind”? He continues his Hatred towards America. "It is soon to tell, and the somewhat hysterical Boston dragnet for the remaining at large and alive suspect does suggest that the wounds of 9/11 are far from healed," he wrote. "We should be asking ourselves at this moment, 'How many canaries will have to die before we awaken from our geopolitical fantasy of global domination?'” And of course he blames the Innocent Victims like an Eight Years Old Boy. The United Nations Human Rights advocate blames the Jews and Israel by stating "The war drums are beating at this moment in relation to both North Korea and Iran, and as long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy," His public statement about this article is “to whom evil is done/do evil in return”. Are you kidding me! When the United Nations was notified of Richard Falk’s bias and hateful remarks the responded by saying Falk is an independent expert. Another words we take No Responsibility. This nut job accused Israel of practicing Natzism, and he is a 9/11 Truther So keep your eyes on the United Nations and pay attention to their agenda of Global Firearms Treaty-Home Schooling- Carbon Tax – Regulate Farming – Regulate the Internet and ask yourself “Do they have my best interest at Heart? The answer is simple did they an Eight Year Old Boys Best Interest at Heart? No they did not. TELL THE U.N. TOPACK UP AND SHIP OUT God Save Us All -WildSide Professor Clyde |