There is a philosophy in the business of baseball known as Value Over Replacement Player, or VORP. It is a complex statistical analysis of the risk associated with acquiring new talent to replace a current player with a known value. Over and over, the statistics prove one thing: Your current asset (player) is almost always the better option than its replacement. This brings me to my point, kind of... In the past week, I passed two different Anti-Abortion protests, and was concerned... Not because they were protesting. I fully support free speech to the fullest, and respect anybody who will take a stand for the things they feel passionately about. I also would like to make a distinction between "Pro-Life" and "Anti-Abortion." "Pro-Life" is a philosophy, generally based on one's spiritual and moral beliefs, that generally includes life-style choices like contraception or abstinence, and providing education about their beliefs regarding unplanned pregnancy. "Anti-Abortion" is Pro-Life + Hatred. -Harry Dunne |