Ed Doyle All the press that we had this past weekend about the accident at the circus, and we are all pulling for the performers that were injured, but folks the BIGGEST circus seems to be the white tent on Smith Hill. I swear driving to work this week I thought I looked at the independent man that stands on the state house dome and saw him flipping the bird at Rhode Island. Representative Mike Chippendale, who is the secretary on the house oversight committee, has received an anonymous letter basically telling him to stop the investigation into 38 studios for the sake of the well being of his family. Folks this is Al Capone stuff. This is what they make movies from. Where is the FBI? How deep does this go? I am willing to make a prediction here that Rhode Island is about to explode from the bottom up and we are going to find that the corruption in this 38 studios fiasco is going to involve so many people and go in so many different directions that when it explodes our entire government structure is going to be shattered and a LOT of people are going to jail. God I hope so. What better year for this to happen than an election year. I say that… but what will the zombified voters of Rhode Island do. One thing I can tell you for sure… I know Rep Mike Chippendale personally and all this threat did was to put Mike into high gear and an absolute focus to get to the bottom of this. The question I HAVE… is all of the reps that voted to just pay the loans with mine and your tax money, just “do the right thing”… just keep it quiet… were they in on this or were they TOLD you will play ball or pay the consequences. I mean think about this… 78 million dollars to start a software company…. Even all the pool tables and recreation equipment and employees and computer equipment there is NO WAY they ran out of that kind of money that fast. Where did it go? Don’t you feel that now that it is OUR BILL to pay back, that we deserve to see each and every statement, contract, IOU and expense? I wont pay a bill without having it itemized and in writing as to what I am being charged for. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!! We are paying this bill. The general assembly VOTED to MAKE US pay this bill. Maybe what we need to do is flood the state house with rallies of people DEMANDING they show us. PICK UP THE DARN PHONE PEOPLE! Call your reps and say you DEMAND to know what we are paying for. Send a letter to Rep Chippendale and tell him YOU SUPPORT HIM! But like I said be ready Rhode Island. Be ready for one HECK of an explosion when this gets cracked open and NEVERMIND attorney general Killmartin… Never mind the Rhode Island State Police…. Demand the FBI does the prosecuting. AND FOR GOD SAKES… Let’s get some fresh blood in that State House this September in the Primaries and in November in the general election. That brings me up to my next point that ties right into this same pile of trash that is stinking up our state. No I am not talking about the Johnston Landfill but I AM talking about a section of Johnston. I am talking about District 43 in Johnston. Now if you don’t know where district 43 is, it covers from the town hall north and west almost to Smithfield, and west to North Providence on Rt 44 and west to providence on Harford avenue. Close enough to smell the landfill but what is really rotten is not the garbage in the landfill but instead the dirty politics of the current State Representative there. Yes the same rep that I am running against in the Democratic Primary. Her voting record as I have pointed out over and over and will CONTINUE to point out PROVES that she looks you in the eye and promises rainbows and unicorns and as soon as she has your vote… turns around and voted to increase your property taxes, voted to increase your business taxes and fees, voted to put the toll on the Sakonnet river bridge VOTED TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR 38 STUDIOS. She NEVER, NEVER as far back as I traced EVER voted against the way that Gordon Fox voted. EVER! SO you start to wonder… how deep may she have been in the 38 studios deal? May be none but look up her past donations to her CAMPAIGNS for election and re-election. GUESS WHOS NAME YOU WILL SEE…. You guessed it… Gordon Fox! AND LOOK AT HER HUSBANDS FACEBOOK PAGE DEFENDING Gordon Fox… Of course a CRIMINALS defense of someone is about as non-convincing as it can get. But it DOES make you wonder doesn’t it? How about this… Johnston…. How do you feel about your state rep going to businesses of supporters of her opponents, accompanied by her felon husband, to intimidate and harass them for it? How do I know this? IT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING TO MY SUPPORTERS. I have sworn statements to the fact and little did the Johnston Bonnie and Clyde realize or even think of is that in this day and age THERE IS VIDEO RECORDING in businesses! Folks You know me! YOU KNOW THAT I FIGHT for what is right and for the little guy. I have stood tall in the faces of our legislators to protect or civil and constitutional rights AND STILL DO DAILY. There is NO WAY, I am going to allow what I consider to be a possible crooked politician and a CRIMINAL to scare me or my supporters, intimidate me or my supporters or deter me from standing up for the people of Johnston and the State of Rhode Island. And as for the fireman and teachers of Johnston let me tell you this… I support you fully. My family experienced fully the bravery and dedication of fire fighters when we lost our hone and everything we owned to a fire. I saw the bravery of trying to save our pets from that fire. You will NEVER have to worry about this man, Ed Doyle NOT having your back! |