![]() Election season puts not only the candidates in the spotlight, but the so-called experts as well. Rattling off convenient "statistic" based arguements, one way or the other, few offer any type of solution or ideas of their own. Quick to hide behind left versus right, Roe versus Wade or the real wagon circler these days, the sliding turd through the sewage pipes called the global economy. The real pessimists, or as they call themselves the "truth" seekers make bold statements like "Your Unamerican if vote for either Obama or Romney".They say it with vigor and angst. Loud and intensly they point there fingers and proclaim "They want you to vote for them or They hava an agenda".Yet never do they finish these or any other statements with tangible facts. They all claim to have been told or better still have the proof the public is being kept in the dark about. A Batcave of espionage propaganda. A mysterious nirvana of perfectly stacked documents conviently construted to slightly make the arguement enough to give just a pinch of credibilty to the speaker. Question these soap box ninjas and they will fill your ears with mystical illusions. A chemtrail here, a political cover up there and in some cases you may even see a tiger or two disappear. All claiming severe treason against one group. All preaching on high about one organization out to doom the world. Put us in camps and eventually enslave and kill most of us. Who is this highly functional super intelligance group? This organization that never has a rogue member looking to inform the naive masses. This well oiled council of super brains who coordinates every major move globally daily without notice? You can call them the same thing the "experts" call them. They. That's right they are out to get you. They want to commit mass genocide. They want to dumb down and enslave mankind to...........Well that's another thing the "truth experts" unanimously agree on. That "they" really doesn't have a reason to harm us other than boredom or lack of attention. This collection of doom and gloom evil "they" reporters overlook several key points. First if there was a "they" would this group be inclined to let the "truthers" spill the "plan" onto television, radio and print. Day after day these people point, and sweat. Swear and grimace as if these, are biblical end times. Claim there is little to nothing you can do as the evil infrastructure is too strong. Yet each broadcast ends with " Tune in tomorrow." If it is really over, if "they" have really won , what good does it for us to watch and wouldn't "they" be sure that tomorrow never comes? This election season urge not only your politicians but your reporters to stop the smear and smut and tell the truth. Ask the hard questions and dare I say offer a solution. The problem with American politics isn't just American politicians. It's you , me and all of us instant gratification, consuming self centered babies. That's right babies. The same people who want the government to pay their bills but not invite them in for dinner. The same people who claim to be broke but simply are spoiled. Think about it, the luxurious you have now. The smart phones, tablets, etc. Americans don't even make dinner from scratch anymore... instant this or instant that, or "hey, lets just go out to eat!" I'm not a smart man or even a political man , however I do offer at least one solution. Ready for it... write it down because the "truth" guys are going to laugh and "they" might not allow you to see this blog. The solution I offer is not going to be easy, however the premise is not complex. It's easier than operating your new HD flat screen television. Yet this solution requires far more follow threw than average American gives in a month. It's called unity. Mankind has to unite to decide and discuss what are the essential issues effecting us today. Work through the differences and meet on a common ground, left or right, black or white. If we as Americans just tried this on one issue alone I think the outcome would surprise most. It's easy to sensationalize or complain. It's in our nature. Hell, I just wrote this blog on that premise. Now is the time to put away the "movie trailer" way of doing things and get back to the problems. It is the only way to arrive at the solutions. - Dictated, but not read by Kevin Willette |