By their own description, Log Cabin Republicans are the nation’s largest Republican organization dedicated to representing gay and lesbian conservatives and allies. For more than 30 years, they have promoted the fight for equality through state and local chapters, a full-time office in Washington, DC, and through federal and state political action committees. This week on the Wild Side LIVE Podcast Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans Gregory T. Angelo sits down with host Professor Clyde.
Angelo On The Texas GOP It’s simply unconscionable that more than a dozen years since Log Cabin Republicans took the fight for gay equality against the homophobic fringe of the Party, the Texas State GOP still doesn’t get it. We are your friends and neighbors; we are your colleagues and family members; above all else, we are loyal Republicans, and deserve a literal seat at the table at the Texas State GOP Convention. Make no mistake: This isn’t about disagreements we may have on civil marriage; this isn’t about the party platform — this is about an anti-gay wing of the party that hates gay people so much they can’t even stand to see us acknowledged as a necessary part of a winning Republican coalition. At a time when Democrats are working overtime to turn Texas from red to purple and then a vibrant blue, now is not the time for the politics of subtraction and division in the GOP; it is time for addition and multiplication. The Texas State GOP and its leadership ignore that advice at their peril.