By Wildside Professor Clyde DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed by Wildside "Professor" Clyde do not necessarily represent those of 990WBOB, its affiliates, or its staff. George Zimmerman
Zimmerman lived in a gated community retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, was raised in an interracial family with black roots on his Grandfather’s side. He had a black business partner, and he and his wife mentored/tutored black children. Zimmerman led a public group that publicly criticized the Sanford Police for a cover up of the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white police officer. The community was subjected to theft, vandalism, and drugs where most of the of the crimes were committed by African-Americans. Trayvon Martin He had been suspended from school for marijuana, which was also found in his system during the autopsy. Security officers searched his backpack and found woman’s jewelry and burglary tools. He prided himself on being a fighter and bragged to his friends about this ability. He was in Sanford while he was suspended and told friends that he would bring weed there. Martin took a mile walk in rain to buy skittles and juice mixed with cough syrup to make Lean Sizzurp. Incident Zimmerman saw suspicious activity near his home and investigated. He called 911, and the operator told him to go back to his car. Witnesses say Martin confronted him, demanding to know what Zimmerman’s problem was. Zimmerman replied "I have no problem," and Martin struck Zimmerman breaking his nose, and started punching his head and smashing it on the concrete . Zimmerman grabbed his gun and shot Martin. Injuries There were no injuries to Martin, except for his knuckles and the gunshot wound. Zimmerman had lacerations on his head, a broken nose, and two black eyes. When the detectives interviewed Zimmerman, they lied and said it was all captured on video. Zimmerman ‘s response was “Thank God”. Yes, Zimmerman should of stayed in his car but Martin is the one who broke the law.Martin threw the first, punch breaking Zimmerman’s nose, the assault then continued with Martin punching and smashing Zimmerman’s head on the concrete; which was essentially attempted Murder. Remember, Florida is a Stand Your Ground state. This whole case was about race and the police were encouraged to file second degree murder charges rather than manslaughter. The Liberal prejudice attempted to force a round peg into a square hole. The real issue is what is going on with the young adults in the African-American community? How do we as a Society address the root of this issue? |