Adam Cole WBOB Special Correspondent One google search will show you how much bicycle dealers love this virus. Covid 19 seems to have sold a ton of bikes. Not only bicycles though. It looks like the public may be using their stimulus checks for odd modes of alternative mobility across the board, even electric contraptions that make the neighbors stare as a guy cruises through the hood on an electric unicycle. So, I had to don my useless surgical mask to seek out elbow and knee pads so my next accident isn't as bloody as it was the other day. I head directly to the sporting section by bicycles to find a cheap set of mobility PPE. Nothing. Sold out of knee pads, helmets and such. I turn 180 degrees to have a look at the bikes. Darn it! There aren't any! No bikes at Walmart. I got the heck out of there before the bandanna banditos started to fill the place. Three stores later and still haven't found what I want. Specialty bike shops in my area were closed as tight as a frog's butt. It got me thinking. Returning home empty-handed, I went online to see how well all the companies that produce bicycles and gear are doing during this pamby pandemic. Looks like a dream come true for the like's of Schwinn, Mongoose and Murray. Have a look for yourself. Here's the nice part: Americans seem to have taken peddling down the streets again. Those who aren't peddling or walking have other modern modes of street fun, and wouldn't you know, I even saw pre-teens on roller skates. Who knew kids would leave the house after years of adolescent isolation! So, other than an abundance of dog poo on my lawn, here's bright side. Neighbors know each other again. Kids know how to roller-blade all of the sudden, and old people are rediscovering how much miss the wind in their hair as they compare the kept condition other people's property compared to their own. Life is a Yin/Yang situation and there's always some good with the bad. Just ask the bicycle companies. Maybe "The New Normal" will include an army of healthier people of all ages who now know their way around their own neighborhoods and the names of all the people on their street. Conclusion: Be Kind. Be Exercised, and if you've been out of work, apply to a company that needs to replenish the American bicycle supply. Cheers! Read More 990WBOB |