Allan Giberti When I wrote Why an Unhinged Liberal Will Never Have an Honest Debate back in February of this year I of course received some criticism from several unhinged liberals telling me that not only was I wrong but I was a racist, self-loathing homophobe. End of story. No discussion and no debate allowed. When you take into consideration that I am the product of immigrants that came to America legally and that I’m gay, this racist, self-loathing homophobe had a good laugh with the name calling and shutting down of any chance of a conversation. I would like to thank all the unhinged liberals for proving my point. Again. That was only five months ago and at the time I did not think it would be a developing story. I mean, how much more can there be to Democrats refusing to work with Republicans and liberals doling out social justice like it was going out of style? Obviously, I did not see the warning signs and I blame that lack of foresight on not being a parent, on not ever having had the privilege of raising a child. Because if I had, I would have realized that what has been building since 2016 has been the early stages of a collective, multicategory, mass tantrum by many on the left; supported, encouraged and reinforced by Democrat lawmakers constant gaslighting. We are all familiar with the gimmie tantum. Everyone has either witnessed or experienced the scenario which involves a parent and child in a store and the child wants a toy, but the adult says no. Let the whining commence. In 2016, the liberals wanted Hillary Clinton to be president, but the country said no. The whining was almost instantaneous but was quickly replaced with irrational, emotional outbursts that quickly became venomous angry rants. The left then added fuel to the fire by continuing to spew vitriol, twisting and distorting facts, spreading unfounded and unproven claims of hatred and racism, all the while blaming everyone but themselves for spreading division yet there was still the possibility of a dialogue. Albeit hostile, there was still the possibility of a conversation even, perhaps compromise. But as time marched on the country became stronger, the economy soared, the 2020 election loomed ever closer and the best Presidential candidate the Democrats could produce was former Vice President Joe Biden. Suddenly, it was as if there was a great disturbance on the left … as if millions of millennials suddenly cried out in terror reliving how they didn’t get their way on November 8th, 2016. The day when they were all suddenly told, no. With anger as the driving force, the “gimmie tantrum” morphed into an “attention-getting tantrum” where everyone was a victim. It then quickly transitioned into its current form, the “power-struggle” tantrum. The issue with the power-struggle tantrum with children is the same with liberals. Not only is there no room for compromise, there isn’t any room for debate. There is no logic or rationale and actions are dictated solely by emotion and that emotion is entitled rage. Regardless of what you say, if you do not agree with them you are not only a bad person, you are a racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, bad person. There is no debate, you are either with them or against them. It’s the ultimate tantrum, their way or the highway. If you support the President on any level, you are what is wrong with this country. Period. Ironically, this is the very definition of straight up bigotry. So when I got wind that my cousin (let’s just call her Marbara) began labeling other family members as racist because they didn’t agree with her and her gaslighted liberal fantasy world, I felt the need to set the record straight. Besides, it is not as if I could actually change her small mind. So in full disclosure, sometimes it's just fun calling out the ignorance. Parbara’s claim to enlightenment of the plight of black community is that she married a black man and has black children. Ergo, if you don’t unconditionally agree with her and denounce the President, you are a racist. She had posted a blatantly inaccurate, unoriginal and overused meme that read, “When they were white and carrying machine guns, Trump cheered them on. When they were black and demanding justice, he threatened them with dogs and violence. If you’re still wondering if he’s a racist, you should start wondering if you are too.” Any differing opinion or fact checking that occurred was met with condemnation. Again, the party of science and facts picks and chooses only the facts that support their narrative, discard the rest and make up the bits in between. Any disagreement or individual thought will not be tolerated. This was then reinforced on social media by her daughter adding “Alright, everyday it becomes clear to me that some people will defend their racist president no matter what, so if you don’t want to take a step back and see the clear difference between his response to armed white protesters vs. unarmed black ones that’s on you, not me. But maybe think a second on the ultimate message of the post, which is that if you’re able to see and comprehend what’s going on and still defend that man you are just as racist, whether you want to admit it or not.” Well, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is. As if that racist and bigoted statement wasn’t bad enough, what you should be concerned about is how prevalent this type of thinking and behaivor is because now it gone past shutting down the conversation. Clearly, any deviation from the liberal group-think doctrine will not be entertained. If you do not agree, without question, you are the problem. Even if you could debunk every “fact” in that liberal meme it wouldn’t make a difference. Their ill-informed, “socially just” way is the only way and only group sanctioned thoughts and actions will be allowed. Opposition will not be allowed. There is a word for that. Totalitarianism. If you don’t believe me, wait until this article hits and see how many liberal Democrats wish to actually discuss race relations, the history of foundational systemic racism, exactly how it’s impacting the black community today and how to fix it versus the name calling and race baiting. I mean other than nixing Aunt Jemima and Goya Foods. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |