![]() Last week former NBA star and self appointed ambassador to North Korea Dennis Rodman made national headlines. The always controversial Rodman was once again in North Korea, on a basketball mission. This time he and his team of has beens were competing in an exhibition game, performed in honor of President Kim Jong Un. When asked about the Americans held captive by the North Korean government, Rodman had a meltdown for the world to see on CNN. The flamboyant and erratic, Rodman has developed a well documented personal relationship with the North Korean leader, making it nearly difficult to take either seriously. This week some of the 990WBOB.com staff has weighed in with their opinions on the matter. ![]() Things are bleak in Pyongyang, North Korea. Ruthless dictator Kim Jong Un has victimized his citizens. There are reports of horrific human rights abuses, an estimated 20,000 kept in political prison camps, Kim's own uncle, Jang Song Thaek, was brutally executed, oh and by the way, U.S. citizen Kenneth Bae was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. However, Dennis Rodman of all people had an excellent trip there last week. Rodman went to North Korea to entertain his buddy Kim Jong Un for his birthday. Not only did Rodman, known to us all as "The Worm", organize a professional basketball game for Kim , he also sang happy birthday to him in front of a packed house. After all, according to Rodman, Kim is a great friend and all around "very good guy". Puzzled? Take a number. It really comes as no surprise to me that Dennis Rodman would organize something like this. He is way passed his prime in an already quite eccentric career. He needs some outlet to gain attention and all this media publicity has got his name back out there. He certainly isn't going to be starring in any movies as his biggest flicks to date being "Double Team" and "Simon Sez" were box office poison. He isn't going to be pursuing any high profile relationships like he once had, I don't see Madonna or Carmen Electra seeking to wine and dine with Kim Jong Un. All Rodman has left is basketball and his friends. Unfortunately, one of those friends is a villainous despot who has the attention of the entire world, a world that now Dennis Rodman has been thrust into the middle of. Rodman did say in a recent interview that he was sorry about "certain situations" in North Korea and adding that he is not "God:". I think that was the most intelligent thing he has said in years. - Kenny Nardozza Co Host of Comic's Corner Listen Live Weds 8pm
Dennis Rodman in North Korea!?!?!?! Thats about as exciting as watching Double Team with the commentary on...ungh kill me in the face! However, Can one washed up celebrities quest for attention result in some actual diplomacy with an otherwise xenophobic maniac dictator? Can the man who had a 6 month marriage with Carmen Electra whose relationship culminated with them both beating each other up in a drug filled binge bring a small dove of peace into a starving forced-labor built country? Who cares? Kim-Jung Un as serious of a threat as his father was...not at all! Dennis Rodman and him can go down in history as the biggest attention starved wankers in the planet. But I am hopeful, at least a little bit, that some how some way Dennis Rodman's un-dying dream of being important could actually help at least one poor family in North Korea. His grab for the limelight is worse then his wrestling career. At least I will hope for the best for the human race and everyone that's oppressed in North Korea! Evan McKay Host of Ramble On Listen Live Thurs 8pm ![]() Dennis Rodman. Always a speciman focused on public attention and seen dancing the night away with a partner called controversy. From kicking a camera man during an NBA game to cross-dressing at public forums, to more benign statements like joining a professional wrestling league and being a reality show darling on 'Celebrity Apprentice', this man has always been a hair's breath away from delving into 'Michael Jackson'-territory FREAKINESS! On a serious note, anyyone in the psych-game would say this person is starving for attention and craving the spotlight for the sole purpose of simply wanting to feel loved. Like kids halk or even a third his age before him, this behavior is textbook need-of-nurturing, and is just a sad case of poor upbringing. But when a celebrities person problems go from Lindsay Lohan-style self implosion to making an unpatriotic statement on the world stage, this puts him in a WHOLE NEW CLASS of Mo-Fo. Like Seas Penn and Kevin Spacey when they cozied up to the now-dead America-hating Venezelan dictator Chavez, Rodman's behavior demonstrates the person downfall of the nouveau riche once they're best years are behind them. Furthermore, when siding with a figure like Kim who, like his father is SO. ABSOLUTELY. AMERICA-HATING, one has to question how much does an inner racial animosity play into his decision-making? My personal pity for his actions, then revs up my patriotic dander and turns INTO ANGER! Simply put, Dennis: if you don't like the country (YOUR COUNTRY) - just GET OUT! Better yet, why don't you get in that sexy wedding dress and long blonde wig, agree to MARRY dictator Kim, and get full North Korean Citizenship? Uncle Sam to Rodman: "YOUR FIRED!" Will Grapentine Co Host GX Radio Active Live Saturdays 10am |