Allan Giberti So, not only is my article late but it’s also not what I was originally going to write about. When you consider the humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border, in particular the children, it would obviously the thing to write about. They have already suffered having to endure the trek up here and now many of them have to be housed in detention centers that were not built to handle children. And then last night, right before I went on the air, the John Hopkins University Institute for Education’s report on Providence, RI’s public-school system hit the news and as expected it was abysmal. I expected it. I have absolutely no idea why everyone is shocked. Shocked I tell you, the only one who could be possibly be more shocked would be 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate, Cory Booker. He’s dramatic enough for everyone. But I digress. The report from Johns Hopkins was in response to last year’s ‘Rhode Island’s Comprehensive Assessment System’, or RICAS scores. If you remember the results of the RICAS exams had been delivered to Governor Gina Raimondo weeks before the end 2018 Midterm election, but she would not release them. Just about everyone knew it couldn’t be good because what good could possibly be gained by hiding favorable results? The only reason to not release them is because they had to be horrible. It’s just like hiding your report card from your parents right before your birthday. Gina did the same thing, except that your parents, the voters in this case, knew the report card was out there. They knew it couldn’t be good and still, they rewarded bad behavior by voting for and reelecting her. The result of those exams? On the “English, Language and Arts” section, only 34% of students are considered proficient and just under 20% of the students did not meet expectations. For math, only 27% of students met or exceeded expectations and 22% of students did NOT meet any expectations. But the children… How can only 23% of eighth graders be proficient in math and only 28% proficient in English, language and arts? How did the 73% make it to the 8th grade? 7th Grade… No one is helping these children by pushing them through. Face it. No child left behind is leaving children behind. She sat on the results to win an election. She hid the results of something that could have had an impact on her re-election, and that something was what was happening to our children’s education. It was more important to win than to admit and address another failed and broken system. Fixing Rhode Island’s broken education system obviously wasn’t the first thing on her agenda. Washington, D.C. was and still is. This isn’t a new problem. It isn’t something that suddenly just happened. It has been happening for years. The decline of our education system has been on a downward spiral, gaining speed and happening in plain sight for all to witness. It hasn’t been some well-kept secret all you had to do was look. And actually care. It was like watching a slow-motion car crash unfold in front of you. What action did the majority of our legislators take to stop this from happening to our children? A lot of praise and some sweet rewards in exchange for votes. Governor Gina Raimondo used your children as pawns to win an election. If you voted for her, you let her. So, today Governor Gina Raimondo finally addressed the issue and said, “It’s much worse than I realized.” Odd, when the majority of Rhode Islanders knew how bad it had become. Now, she wants the state to partner with the city on this. The thoughts of her having her hooks even deeper into our education system does not give me confidence and it shouldn’t give you any either. She went on to say, “We need to spend the summer figuring out what are the next steps.” When you take into account DCYF, the radical expansions in abortion laws and now this, I suggest we spend the summer in search of viable candidates for all upcoming Democrat elections. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays at 7pm and Tuesdays at 8pm. All times Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |