Rhode Island’s Road to 2020 Part I: How RI Can Defeat Bernie Sanders and Save Itself in the Process.2/24/2020 Allan Giberti The Nevada Caucus is over and no one should be surprised as Bernie Sanders once again walks away victorious leaving the other contenders pretty much in the dust. Bernie credits his “massive grassroots movement” for his success. It should also come as no surprise that at this point it’s not just his opponents that are scrambling to take Bernie out, but the Democrat Party itself is trying to mobilize against him. The DNC is terrified, just as in 2016, at the prospect of a socialist grabbing the Democrat Presidential nomination. Yes, socialist not Democrat socialist. Let’s be honest folks; the only ones who are buying the Democrat Socialism schtick are socialists who have yet to come out of the closet. The issue with Bernie’s massive movement is that it is mostly gas. And just like most bouts of gas and bloating, they eventually pass and end up being bigger than the movement itself. I’m sure you get the metaphor. Unfortunately for Bernie and the DNC, Bernie’s support is rather small in comparison to the size of the Democrat party. That will of course spell defeat for the Democrats in November if Bernie does manage to walk away with the nomination. Bernie’s Democrat opponents have begun attacking his socialist promises such as the government run Medicare-for-all plan and what they’re saying is does hold truth. Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has criticized Sander’s plan saying it replaces current private health care coverage and that, “Senator Sanders believes in taking away that choice -- kicking people off their private plans and replacing it with a public plan, whether they want it or not.” Who knew? I’ll tell you who knew. The Republicans knew and we have been saying that since the Democrats have made it one of the popular 2020 talking points. The hysterical thing is that it also applies to every other 2020 Democrat (Chief Slinging Bull Warren immediately comes to mind) who’ve promised the same thing to voters. So, what does this have to do with Rhode Island and other Democrat strongholds? The 2020 Democrats aren’t just voraciously eating their own, but by calling out Bernie’s extreme socialist agenda they are in fact pointing out failings of similar liberal agendas in these solid blue states. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the union with the biggest government and the progressive “lawmakers” want to intrude even further into our lives. As Bernie’s campaign gains steam, the Democrats will try to unite to oust him because Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders will ensure a loss in November for the Democrats. Working Americans know that free isn’t free, just ask a Rhode Islander. Rhode Island hands out entitlements like a drug dealer’s “free” sampling of their product and we have a state full of addicts dependent on our local government for their fix. Free food, free housing, free utilities, free college, free food at college, free healthcare. Free, Free, Free because you need the help. No, what we need is a General Assembly that doesn’t suffer from some warped Robin Hood complex of stealing from the poor and giving it to themselves. Rhode Island has one of the highest costs of living in the country; we’ve been ranked the worst state to do business in and our taxes are among some of the highest in the country. What have our illustrious “lawmaker’s” come up with as solutions to save our dying state? Forcing minimum wage increases on already struggling small businesses, more truck toll gantries, forcing local funeral homes to pay seven years in back taxes (tens of thousands of dollars) on items the state suddenly deems taxable that previously been tax exempt and a $10 billion dollar budget to name just a few of the winners. So, while Rhode Island’s progressive elite on Smith Hill has their supporters they pale in comparison to the number of Rhode Island citizens they have screwed over in favor of their own political careers. If Bernie manages not to have the nomination stolen away from him by the DNC, November will see American citizens from all political parties vote against socialist oppression. Rhode Islanders need to do the same. Despite your political leanings or religious beliefs, Rhode Island progressive politicians attack each of us on separate issues such as gun control, extreme abortion legislation or by slowly destroying our fishing industry. The result of every progressive legislative attack will eventually culminate in one result. The decimation of our state’s economy and eventually Rhode Island itself. The way to defeat Bernie Sanders is simple and Rhode Islanders would do well to get on board with it to save our home. United we stand for the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on 990WBOB.com. You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |