Tyler Salk
As we get further into the election year, the team at 990WBOB is here to serve as your source of political news in the state of Rhode Island. Through our podcasts and articles, our renegades are learning as much about the candidates as possible. As such, I spoke with R.I. House (District 21-Warwick) candidate Ron Loparto to discuss his 2018 campaign. Read the Interview Below
Tyler Salk: Hey Ron, thanks for joining me today. Please tell me a little about yourself. Why are you running for RI House District 21 for Warwick?
Ron Loparto: I have a lifelong passion for talking politics with my Dad since the Age of Majority Law was passed when I was 18 yrs. I announced for Mayor in Pawtucket. Always involved, I became Councilman in Lincoln and won a General Election for the State House. With Rhode Island being the worst state in America with the worst Governor, and having 3 daughters, I know I can make a difference. I believe I am the exact kind of politician desperately needed to turn our great state around. Taxpayers and small Business First! TS: How would you evaluate Gina Raimondo as a Governor? RL: Governor Raimondo’s collusion with failed Democrat State House leadership lost the complete faith of the taxpayers. Raimondo warned and told us “There really is a back room where leadership takes their favorite lobbyists. Bangs out their deal and passes it in the wee hours of the morning.” After Elected, Raimondo was first in line for Nick. She entered the Democrat den, and made her back room deal. Truck tolls and stealing the life savings of state workers was the result, leaving Gina a partner in crime and no longer fit to be Governor. 60% of voters said she was no good from the start. TS:Talk to me a little bit about the current incumbent Camille Vella Wilkinson. How has she done representing the district? If she were to be elected again, what would it mean for the people of Rhode Island? RL: Camille Vella-Wilkinson is not being elected again! The “Menage a Trois,” the close friend of Democrat leadership. It has fared the same for Vella-Wilkinson as it has for Gina. These are not wanted elected officials, they’re snuck in. Camille Vella-Wilkinson voted for and supported “Nothing” for her Constituency. Tolls, surveillance cameras, gantries, robot cameras, DMV fine, giving away our best jobs to out of state workers, Evergreen eternal contracts dubbed “Will Harm All Children of Rhode Island” by Gov. Raimondo, Mayors, administrators, planners, councils, superintendents, school departments, school committees, financial experts--- all 112 Legislators deemed the bill “Radioactive,” No legislator would even bring it up for vote. Now the union bosses have ordered Vella-Wilkinson “Get you butt back into the State House and resubmit.” She stuffed her pockets up with cash and obeyed. Vella-Wilkinson took the cash & vote from 2nd Amendment supporters and voted against the 2nd Amendment. No one knew she supported tolls. She lied. As councilwoman, she’s a failure. 60% voters said no when she was elected. TS: In the past you ran as an independent. Are you planning on running without party affiliation this time around too? Why? RL: I am running as a Republican. My family values and the tremendous need for balance in government in Rhode Island have taken me on this path. Seeing the beating down of freedom and patriotism in America has ignited my political fire to do something about it! TS: Ron, please complete this statement for me. When I’m elected into office, my first order of business will be: RL: When I’m elected into office, my first order of business will be letting the taxpayers and small businesses know they have a champion and a front row seat in our State House. There is a new sheriff in town, and business is no longer going to be “As Usual.” Accountability and responsibility are demanded. TS: What are some of the other most central points to your campaign? RL:I aim to be the small business candidate. Rhode Island is the “Worst Business State in America” because we have an anti- business State Government that puts special interest first. We need to restructure business in Rhode Island to compete with online business, by reducing sales tax, lowering filing fees and creating a new small business rate class for businesses pf 2-3 employees. Less regulations and taxes! We need to make Rhode Island the most business friendly state in America. We can do it, they’ll be In line to get into Rhode Island. It’s not hard to make Rhode Island the most business friendly state in America. You just have to be friendly to business. We’re not. TS: Where can people find out more information about you and your campaign? RL: I have a very active social media. Be sure to check out my Facebook and Twitter accounts. You can also find out more about me by searching #RonLopartoRep21 on any search engine. TS: Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today! RL: Tyler, thank you so much for your time. It has been a real pleasure. I would like to make one more point. RonLopartoRep21-Warwick is brash and outspoken, but first and foremost honest truthful and deal in facts. I vow and pledge to always put taxpayers first. Rep. Camille Vella-Wilkinson can not and never has done that! Vella-Wilkinson can only “follow orders, do what she's told and obey!” That’s who she is stuffing her pockets with... cash from her real bosses. Are you a candidate who would like to speak to the 990WBOB audience? Contact us here Read More WBOB |