Allan Giberti Tomorrow, many Rhode Islanders will take to the polls to vote in the statewide primaries and many more will not. I’m not talking about the whole “universal mail in ballot” sham. No one is trying to make it harder for anyone to vote, regardless of whatever the nonsensical liberal talking point of the moment is. If you are unable to vote in person you’ve always had, and still have, the option of requesting an absentee ballot. There is no reason to paper this or any other state in election ballots but I digress and that’s a completely different article. I am simply referring to the notable difference in the number of voters who turn out for primary elections versus those who vote in the general election. But that was then and this is a whole different new normal. The results of Tuesday’s primary election will begin to paint the picture of what America is really thinking. Rhode Island has been under Democrat control for over 80 years and what do we have to show for it? For the 5th time, Rhode Island has been ranked the 50th worst state for business, when it comes to the cost of living, we’re tied with New Jersey, for having the 10th highest in the nation, we have the worst infrastructure in the country and a review report of the Providence Public School District led by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy found our crumbling, asbestos laden, rodent infested schools quite unacceptable. Sadly, I could go on but hopefully you get the point. Democrats have been slowly strangling the life out of this state and come Tuesday, that strangle hold could tighten exponentially. While that sounds like something I would say before a general election when it’s usually Republican versus Democrat, it very much applies to this primary election. This isn’t like any other primary where it’s Democrat versus Democrat, this is Democrat versus Progressive/Liberal/Socialist and ultimately, control of the Democrat party. The national mainstream media normally focuses on the governor’s races but governing will only go so far if both the House and the Senate are Democrat controlled. Currently in RI, Republicans occupy 8 of the 75 House seats and only 5 of the 38 Senate seats. While that may be somewhat distressing, there is hope because in addition to the incumbent races, there are 18 Republican candidates running for House seats and 12 running for Senate. That says quite a bit for this little blue state and it will say even more come November 4th, but there’s still the outcome of the Democrat primaries and how the Democrats decide to spin it to deal with first. Watching what the Democrats have done to RI is like watching a train full of explosives derail in slow motion. You know the horror that is coming but you can’t stop watching it happen. If you think RI’s slow spiral into economic despair couldn’t get any worse, you’d be wrong. All you’d need to do is speed it up. That brings us to the RI Democrat House and Senate Primaries. 5 Democrat House incumbents will not be seeking reelection this year and while they have all either sponsored or supported radical, leftist legislation, they can’t hold a candle to some of the progressive candidates who are now running to hopefully fill those seats. Add to those 5 RI House seats, 13 Democrat House incumbents who are being challenged by even more progressive candidates whose platforms mostly support social justice issues and socialist programs. It’s a similar situation in the RI Senate with 4 Democrat incumbents not seeking reelection and 8 Democrat Senators being challenged by candidates who also embrace radical leftist ideologies. The radical progressive candidates who are running obviously represent the “enlightened” path the Democrat party is on and has laid out for us to follow if we are to be finally united and to ultimately save the world. If you were to ask Speaker Nancy Pelosi or her local lapdog Congressman David Cicilline, they would tell you this is the change Americans want. So, what happens after the primaries (or whenever all the ballots get rounded up) and the progressive ticket is rejected by the voters? While it would be a win for any district that thumbs their nose at these liberals, will that in any way change what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are trying to sell America as a whole? One other thing to add to the upcoming RI Democrat primary is that there are a handful of House and Senate races being challenged by the more traditional and elusive, moderate type Democrat. Well, at least a bit more moderate than those currently elected. How will the narrative change if even half of those incumbents are unseated? Because when you think about it, if the American people reject liberalism or the radical Bernie-Biden accord at the primaries, who in their right mind would think it would be a best seller on November 3rd? But come November 3rd, what kind of Democrat party will the Republicans face? Will it be a more radically left Democrat party sporting candidates who want open borders, Medicare for all (including for illegal aliens), the destruction of the 2nd Amendment and the defunding of the police or will it be an even more fractured Democrat party that’s still licking its wounds about being so wrong about the social justice, politically correct warrior stuff? Neither primary outcome for the Democrats is a winner but it will be interesting to see how they spin it. And no matter what, it’ll somehow be President Trump’s fault. Some things will remain constant. And the polls close at 8:00pm. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Read More 990WBOB |