Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Secretary Elizabeth Roberts announced on Monday that Rhode Island has partnered with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to leverage nearly $130 million in federal funds over the next five years to further transform our healthcare system to support better care and healthier Rhode Islanders.
Here's what they're saying: "This is a very important project at a critical time for Rhode Island. We have an incredible opportunity to build on the work that was started in 2015 and continue to move towards alternative payment models that support primary care practices and improved health outcomes. I applaud Governor Raimondo and Secretary Roberts for developing partnerships with Rhode Island's colleges and universities to improve population health." - Ira Wilson, M.D., Professor of Medical Science & Department Chair, Health Services, Policy & Practice, Brown University School of Public Health "I am very pleased to see Governor Raimondo's ongoing commitment to Population Health by using federal funds to support organizations such as Care New England as we continue to innovate with new models of care. Building on her Reinvent Medicaid work, infrastructure support for Alternative Entities and Payment Models is exactly what is needed and helpful towards transforming our healthcare system to one that provides greater value to our patients and the communities we serve." - Dennis Keefe, President and CEO, Care New England "Lifespan has long supported the move towards value-based care. We are hopeful that this grant will provide the much needed resources to help the provider community build the necessary infrastructure to better care for patients. Additional resources are required to making such an enormous change to the business model of American healthcare." - Timothy Babineau, MD, President and CEO, Lifespan "Health is an important determinant of overall quality of life. That is why one of our four strategic initiatives at the Rhode Island Foundation is focused on improving health outcomes for all Rhode Islanders. We are pleased to work with partners in state government to pursue strategic reforms to the state's healthcare system - aimed at improving healthcare delivery and health outcomes while decreasing spending." - Neil Steinberg, President and CEO, Rhode Island Foundation "This project is a crucial step forward supporting the infrastructure that is necessary for primary care practices to focus on improving outcomes and allowing them to move away from volume based healthcare. It will help us utilize technology, engage patients, and have the appropriate staff and resources necessary to improve patient health. Furthermore, it emphasizes a key component by stressing the importance of true collaboration among all providers of healthcare in RI. We look forward to continuing this work while moving towards new payment models that reward quality and improved health outcomes." - Al Puerini, Jr, M.D., President & CEO, RI Primary Care Physicians Corporation and Chairman of the Board & Medical Director of Integra Community Care Network "This is a great opportunity for primary care in Rhode Island. We have been working for many years on primary care practice transformation and using quality metrics to improve patient care. The State's move to alternative payment models for Medicaid aligns nicely with the goals and objectives of the State's SIMs Grant and other payer based programs (commercial insurers and Medicare ACO agreements)." - Andrea Galgay, Chair, State Innovation Model (SIM) Steering Committee "Medicaid creates a foundation of health and economic security for so many Rhode Islanders. At the Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN), we serve thousands of families and consumers every year who rely on Medicaid coverage, so we are constantly reminded of the program's importance. We thank Governor Raimondo, Secretary Roberts, and the rest of the administration for working so hard to strengthen the State's Medicaid program, both for today and for generations of Rhode Islanders to come." - Sam Salganik, Attorney & Health Policy Analyst, Rhode Island Parent Information Network Inc. "As co-chair of the SIM Working Group, I have seen first-hand the hard work that has gone into transforming Rhode Island's healthcare system. It is possible to strengthen that system and at the same time save taxpayer's money - the Raimondo administration has committed to both." - Larry Warner, Grants Program Officer, Rhode Island Foundation "I have been fortunate to get the help I needed at a critical time in my life. Sometimes people think that health care is just about going to the doctor's office. For me, I needed more than just medical care. I was able to access an array of services that gave me hope and made it possible to get out more. There is no substitute for what hope can do in someone's life. All the professional staff that assisted me were incredible. I'm forever grateful." - John Oleksa, consumer and member of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island Read More 990WBOB