Allan Giberti The US Constitution is not a document for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government. Considering we live in a state that’s being sued for failing to educate our children in basic civics, it’s not surprising that most people believe the opposite is true of the US Constitution. George Mason, the Father of the Bill of Rights, warned: “To disarm the people…was the best & most effectual way to enslave them.” He argued in favor of citizens being armed, as he stated at Virginia’s Ratifying Convention in 1788, “When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised…to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disguising and neglecting the militia.” Sound familiar? The 2nd Amendment was written to defend against tyranny. James Madison, the Father of the Constitution said, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” Democrat administrations, ever so slowly and quietly, year after year have incrementally and systematically chipped away at the right of the people to keep and bear arms through propaganda, emotions and fear mongering. We have been an armed nation for over 200 years and suddenly guns are the problem. They’re not. It is people that are the problem. Just as in other countries that have banned or severely restricted gun ownership, people have found other ways to kill and hurt others. The gun grabbers don’t mention that China doesn’t have mass shootings, they have mass stabbings. In the UK, people can still legally own firearms but it is insanely difficult. The result is knife and acid attacks which have become so commonplace that knife and caustic substance control laws have been put into place. It’s so obvious that even Mr. Magoo can see the common problem isn’t the weapon but the person wielding that weapon. They want us to believe that by disarming the law-abiding members of the population will make us safer. Someone needs to tell the citizens of Chicago it’s not working. The only ones who are in favor of civil rights killing gun control laws, besides the progressive politicians, are the criminals. Criminals don’t care about laws. That’s why they’re criminals. They don’t care that they’re not allowed to have guns and the liberal politicians know this. Everyone knows criminals don’t follow the law, but if you ask anyone from the Bloomberg brigade criminals apparently follow the law. It’s the law abiding citizens who are the problem. What kind of backwards thinking amoeba buys into this tripe? What’s worse is that they think you’re stupid enough to believe it. Someone who’s family tree is probably shaped like a stick thinks you are that dumb. These are the people instructing our Democrat “lawmakers” on how and what gun control bills to write. These are the same people who will deride men about their views on abortion because they don’t have a uterus, yet they have no issues telling you how evil guns are when they’ve never even fired one. Hypocritically genius. From where I’m standing it’s my body and my choice. Last week the Raimondo administration tried to introduce a tax on all gun clubs, shooting ranges and the like for the simple reason to make it more expensive for people to exercise their 2nd Amendment. Because, we the people are the problem. We are the negative externality. This Wednesday, the Democrat controlled House of Representatives will be hearing some of the worst gun control legislation so far. These bills will ban the most commonly owned firearms, aka “assault weapons.” FYI, if you print out this article, crumple it up and shove it down someone’s windpipe and asphyxiate them, it would then technically be considered an assault weapon. “Assault weapon” is a made-up term by the gun grabbers to define anything they don’t like. But if you already own one of these “assault weapons” you can still keep it/them. You’ll just have to pay a fee to register it. The saddest thing about this bill, is that a gun registry in the state of RI, is illegal. These people aren’t stupid. They know a gun registry is illegal. They don’t care and they’re doing this on purpose. There’s even legislation that would punish law abiding gun owners unless their firearms are stored securely. Who makes that determination and how do you enforce it? Who checks on this? This is just what every American wants, more blatant government overreach and intrusion into our lives. I’ve been trying to keep the government out of my bedroom for decades and just when I think they’re gone, here come the Democrats once again. They’re even introducing legislation that would not only ban most firearms, but they’re introducing legislation that would force you sign a waiver (how else do you get around those pesky HIPPA laws) that would give the state permission to delve into your medical background and use that to determine if you’re worthy of the right to keep and bear arms. Again, who makes that determination? Some anti-gun shrink who thinks anyone who owns a gun is crazy? The list of bills goes on but you get the idea. Just in the bills I’ve listed how many violations of our civil liberties can you count, because it’s not limited to just the 2nd Amendment. The Democrats will tell you this is democracy in action. Unfortunately, what most people forget is that we live in a constitutional republic and what we’re witnessing is tyranny. Tyranny of the majority. Tyranny from the Democrat party to gain complete control over the people they have sworn to serve in a quest for absolute power. Once we lose the ability to rise up against tyrants, what happens then? What happens when the government is the only one who controls the “weapons of war” they’re trying to “save” us from. What will happen when they come for the very thing that gave us our freedom in the first place? How will we protect the remaining rights they allow us to have? We won’t. Allan Giberti is the host of RI Red Radio on You can listen to Allan live on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern. Read More 990WBOB |