Allan Giberti On November 8th of 2016, people took to the polls and voted for Donald J. Trump to become the 45th President of The United States, easily defeating Hillary Clinton and electing her the biggest victim ever. Yes, the champion of women, LGBTQ and all things not white, was defeated by misogyny and Russia (this article isn’t about still elusive quest for Russian “collusion”, so this is just like Mueller’s Special Counsel you will not find anything about Russia), and it sent the clear message that America hated all things female, LGBTQ and not white. Despite decades of adversity Hillary Clinton, a champion of diversity, has always managed to rise above it and all it took was stepping on the backs of the victims she and her party created. She self-identified with them and it worked. It didn’t stop with women who had been victimized but encompased all women, because every woman will be a victim under a Trump administration. Civil rights as we knew them would be no more and everyone would be sent back to the dark ages. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right? Hillary lost and the fear mongering began, but as time passed women somehow were not required to be barefoot and pregnant, and no one ever came to escort me to a gay concentration camp. Civil rights were not erased, and things got a lot better for many of us as the economy exploded. We just added 304,000 jobs in January, and unemployment among African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and yes, women are at historic lows. Time to ramp up the gaslighing. Gaslighting is a well used term by many on the left who have little else to offer in the way of defense of rational debate. It’s becoming more popular than racist, but what is gaslighting? The term gaslighting came from the 1938 play and 1940 film Gaslight, in which a husband attempts to convince his wife she is going insane by manipulating events events around her and causing her to question her sanity. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the victims are bombarded with false information which makes them question what they know to be true. It is a popular among abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. If it is done slowly, over time, the victim has no idea they have been brainwashed and they will doubt even evidence in front of them and find it difficult to tell between the truth and gaslighter’s manipulations. For decades, the Democrat Party has actively worked to gaslight the American people by dividing and separating citizens into categories and subcategories, not to highlight who we are as individuals, but to continually point out that which makes us different and label us victims of our own identity. Besides hating Trump, Hillary’s whole campaign was based on the narrative that everyone in America is a victim, and that the Democrats will protect you. No solutions, but they will protect you. If you don’t believe me listen to some of her speeches. Two years into a Donald Trump Presidency has yet yield any any doomsday scenario foretold by Hillary, or her Democrat counterparts, well except for one from Nancy Pelosi: “If there’s some collateral damage, for some others that don’t share our view, well so be it.” That much is apparent and I’m not talking about the 800,000 federal employees who missed two paychecks. A 2017 article in The Guardian by Ariel Leve titled, “How to survive gaslighting: when manipulation erases your reality.” She tells of being gaslighted as a child by her mother and having to relive it again because suddenly again the world is not making sense and somehow it is because of the Trump administration. I am in no way attempting to diminish or dismiss her or anyone else who has suffered because of psychological, abuse, but I am making a point here. “When people in the mainstream media are being discredited, how exactly are you supposed to call this out?” Like the discredited BuzzFeed article in which President Trump instructed Michael Cohen to lie? Or the incident with the boys from the Covington Catholic High School? Or Joy Behar admitting that everyone is more interested in getting Trump out of office? You can see the pattern, it dominates 90% of the coverage of President Trump. To cope with gaslighting by the Trump administration she offers the same strategies she once used before. 1) Trust your version of reality. 2) The person gaslighting will never be able to respond to logic and reason – and so you have to be the one to recognize that logic and reason can’t be applied. 3) Things will never make sense. You will never be heard. No Ariel you are not being gaslighted, you and so many like you have been gaslighted, slowly, over many decades. It is after all quite popular with narcissists and dictators. You are a victim of Hillary Clinton, you and so many others. Victims of the “victim”. The truth is out there and it’s becoming more and more apparent as the Democrats leave you behind and move further and further to the left. All you have to do is look. Read More 990WBOB |